Thursday, April 26, 2012

Salerno University

Salerno University

University of Salerno
Università degli Studi di Salerno
Latin: Hippocratica Civitas Studium Salerni
Established 1968
Type State-supported
Rector Prof. Raimondo Pasquino
Students 40,000
Location Salerno, Italy
Sports teams CUS Salerno

The University of Salerno  is a university located in Salerno, Italy. It is organized in 10 Faculties. Its main campus is located in Fisciano, other faculties in Baronissi.


Salerno, a city in which, as Michelet said, “emperors, kings, popes, and the richest barons all had their own doctor”, developed during the Middle Ages around its prestigious School of Medicine. Previously, the town of Velia, a little south of Salerno, had a medical College with a school of medicine, which was established in Greek and Roman times. Many important men, such as Paulus Emilius, Cicero, Brutus, and perhaps even Horace and Augustus, had had villas built while staying in Velia for therapeutic reasons.
The barbarian invasions following the fall of the Roman Empire caused the last doctors from Velia to move to the neighbouring city of Salerno. The philosophical and scientific tradition of medical studies carried on there, in the form of a free and autonomous guild of erudite men, a College of masters, which became the first nucleus of the Salernitan Studium, later to be used as a model for other European universities.
The Salerno Medical School reached the height of its glory between the 10th and 13th centuries, especially due to the contribution of Alphanus of Salerno and Constantine the African, who deemed Salerno worthy of the name of “City of Hippocrates” (Hippocratica Civitas), after the well-known Greek physician and mathematician.
People from all over the world came to the Salerno School, sick people hoping to recover, or apprentices wishing to learn medical skills. Its fame became international, as proved by historiographical testimonies as well as the Salernitan manuscripts present in many libraries in Europe.
The School kept the Greek and Latin medical heritage alive, combining it harmoniously with the Arabic and Hebrew traditions. This combination of different cultures led to a wider medical knowledge and is illustrated by the legend which credits the foundation of the School to four masters: Helinus the Jew, Pontus the Greek, Adela the Arab, and Salernus the Roman.
In the School, besides medicine, which was studied and practised by women too, philosophy, theology and law were taught.
The “Giovanni Cuomo” University Institute of Education, founded in 1944 was therefore set up with this renowned and ancient tradition in mind.
In 1968 this institute became a State university, the University of Salerno, and it has since seen a great increase in student numbers.


The University of Salerno offers a wide range of degrees in 10 faculties:
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Education Science
  • Faculty of Engineering
  • Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures
  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Medicine and Surgery
  • Faculty of Natural Science, Mathematics, Physics
  • Faculty of Pharmaceutics
  • Faculty of Political Science
The University of Salerno is one of the most important universities in southern Italy. The Fisciano and Baronissi campuses, located in the picturesque environment of the Irno valley, are equipped with all the best services and infrastructure necessary for carrying out university activities to the highest standards.
The “Eduardo R. Caianello” Library offers students over 400.000 volumes and constitutes one of the major collections of books in Italy. The university of Salerno was a great advancement for europe.
The libraries, the Language Centre, the museum, the laboratories, the restaurants, the coffee bars, the sports facilities and other meeting places available to students and staff, complete the picture of the University, whose aim is to distinguish itself not only for the quality of its teaching and professional training, but also for the efficiency of its services and the pleasantness of its surroundings.
Today over 40.000 students study at the Fisciano and Baronissi Campuses in one of the University’s ten faculties: Science, Medicine and Surgery, Economy, Law, Engineering, Arts and Philosophy, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Education Science, and Political Science.
During the academic year many cultural and artistic events take place involving both students and staff, adding life to the Campus.
Faculties and Courses

Faculty of Arts and Philosophy

Web site (Italian):
Web site (English): 

This Faculty offers a wide range of traditional as well as modern courses in the Humanities. The courses cover such areas as literary criticism, philology, linguistics, history of art, history, geography, philosophy, sociology, communication science. Moreover, the Faculty holds Italian language courses for foreign students.

Prof. Luca Cerchiai

Faculty Erasmus Coordinator
Prof. Sergio Sorrentino
Department of Filosofia
Tel. +39 089 962450 - Fax: +39 089 962442 e.mail:

Degree courses:

  1. Heritage Studies (Beni culturali)
  2. Publishing Studies (Editoria e pubblicistica)
  3. Philosophy (Filosofia)
  4. Arts (Lettere)
  5. Communication Sciences (Scienze della comunicazione)
  6. Sociology (Sociologia)

Higher degree courses:

  1. Archeology and The Ancient World  (Archeologia e culture antiche)
  2. Archive and Library Conservation and Management (Gestione e conservazione del patrimonio archivistico e librario)
  3. Modern Philology (Filologia moderna)
  4. Ancient Philology, Literatures and History (Filologia, letterature e storia dell'antichità)
  5. Communication Management and Public Communication (Comunicazione d'impresa e comunicazione pubblica)
  6. Philosophy (Filosofia)
  7. Sociology and Policy-Making from a Territorial Perspective (Sociologia e politiche per il territorio)
  8. Art History and Criticism (Storia e critica d'arte)
  9. Language and Audiovisual Communication Theory (Teoria dei linguaggi e della comunicazione audiovisiva)

 Faculty of Economics

Web site (italian): 
Web site (english):

The Faculty offers a variety of courses in economics and business, finance, business management, public administration, with particular reference to methods of analysis and interpretation of decision making processes.
Prof. Daniela Valentino

Faculty Erasmus Coordinator
Prof. Anna Maria Cristina Menichini
Tel. +39 089 96 2174 - Fax +39 089 96 2049 e.mail

CORSI DI LAUREA (Degree Courses)
  1. Business Administration (Economia Aziendale)
  2. Economics (Economia e Commercio)
  3. Management of Public and Social Organizations (Economia e Gestione delle Aziende Pubbliche e Sociali)
  4. Business Management (Economia e Gestione delle Imprese)
CORSI DI LAUREA INTERATENEO (Inter Ateneum Degree Course)
  1. Tourism Management and Development  (Economia, valorizzazione, gestione del patrimonio turistico)
CORSI DI LAUREA MAGISTRALE (Higher degree courses)
  1. Business Management and Consulting (Consulenza e Management Aziendale)
  2. Economics (Economia)
  3. Statistical Sciences for Finance (Scienze statistiche per la finanza)

Faculty of Education

Web site (italian):
Web site (english):

The courses taught in this faculty are both of a humanistic and scientific nature, aimed at education and the training of teachers, equipped with different skills ranging from pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, sociology, pediatrics, didactics, linguistics, law, anthropology, geography, literature, medicine, history, grammar and languages.

Prof. Mario Capunzo
Faculty Erasmus Coordinator
Prof. Giovanna Truda
Department of Humanities, Philosophy and Education
Tel.: +39 089 962290
Info Erasmus: 
Degree Courses:
  1. Educational Science (Scienze dell'educazione)
  2. Educator for Daycare Centre, Social-Educational Laboratories and Recreational Services for Childhood  (Educatore di ludoteca, laboratori socio-educativi e servizi ricreativi per l'infanzia)
Higher degree courses
  1. Educators and Expert of Adult Educational Services (Educatori professionali ed esperti della formazione continua)
  2. Sport and Movement Science and Techniques for Analysing and Planning Sports for the Disables  (Scienze della valutazione motorio-sportiva e tecniche di analisi e progettazione dello sport per disabili)
  3. Pedagogical Studies  (Scienze pedagogiche)
Higher degree course (five years path)
  1. Primary Teacher Education  (Scienza della formazione primaria)

Faculty of Engineering

Web site (italian):
Web site (english):

The Faculty of Engineering  offers a wide range of courses, giving students the opportunity to train as professionals  capable of carrying out planning activities, project supervision, surveying, estimating and testing structures in the different fields of engineering.
Prof. Vito Cardone
Faculty Erasmus Coordinator
Prof. Salvatore Bellone
Department of Electrical Engineering Tel. +39 089. 96 43 03
Fax +39 089. 96 42 18

First Cycle Degree Courses  (3 years - 180 ECTS) leading to Bachelor Degree (Laurea):
  1. Chemical Engineering (Ingegneria chimica)
  2. Civil Engineering (Ingegneria civile)
  3. Civil and Environmental Engineering (Ingegneria civile ambiente e territorio)
  4. Electronic Engineering (Ingegneria elettronica)
  5. Management Engineering (Ingegneria gestionale)
  6. Computer Engineering (Ingegneria informatica)
  7. Mechanical Engineering (Ingegneria meccanica)

Second Cycle Degree Courses (2 years - 120 ECTS) leading to Master Degree (Laurea Magistrale): 
  1. Food Engineering (Ingegneria alimentare)
  2. Chemical Engineering (Ingegneria chimica)
  3. Civil Engineering (Ingegneria civile)
  4. Electronic Engineering (Ingegneria elettronica)
  5. Mechanical Engineering (Ingegneria meccanica)
  6. Civil and Environmental Engineering (Ingegneria civile ambiente e territorio)
  7. Management Engineering (Ingegneria gestionale)
  8. Computer Engineering (Ingegneria informatica)
Degree Course in one cycle (5 years - 300ECTS) leading to Master Degree (Laurea Magistrale): 
  1. Building Engineering - Architecture (Ingegneria edile-architettura)

Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Web site (italian):
Web site (english):

The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures offers a wider range of courses at undergraduate and higher degree level ('Laurea magistrale') which aim to provide students with an advanced level of linguistic competence and solid knowledge of European and American cultures and traditions. Practical language studies are supplemented by more theoretical work on literature, history, geography. There are a number of multimedia laboratories to help with language acquisition.

Prof. Ileana Pagani
Faculty Erasmus Coordinator
Prof. Rosa Maria Grillo
Department of Studi Linguistici e Letterari Tel. +39 089. 96 21 89
Fax +39 089. 96 20 79

Degree courses:
  1. Foreign Languages and Cultures (Lingue e culture straniere) 
  2. Visual Arts, Music and Theatre Studies (Discipline delle arti visive, della musica e dello spettacolo) 
Higher degree courses:
  1. Modern Languages and Literatures (Lingue e letterature moderne) 
  2. Theatre and Media Studies (Scienze dello spettacolo e della produzione multimediale)

Faculty of Law

Web site (italian):
Web site (english):

This faculty aims to give students an adequate preparation in the study of law, with an aim to prepare professional people with the necessary knowledge and skills required in different areas of the legal profession.
Prof. Enzo Maria Marenghi
Faculty Erasmus Coordinator
Prof. Luigi Kalb

Department of Diritto Pubblico Generale e Teoria delle Istituzioni
Tel. +39 089. 96 23 35
Fax +39 089. 96 20 87

Degree course in one cicle:
  1. Law (Giurisprudenza)

Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences

Web site (italian):
Web site (english):

The Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences was established in the academic year 1972/73 thanks to prof. Edoardo R. Caianiello, Professor of Theoretical Physics from the University of Naples. Currently, the Faculty offers courses in Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Environmental Sciences and Biology. Recently the Faculty moved to Fisciano University Campus, and enjoys a modern teaching facility, which now attracts a large number of students.
Prof.ssa Maria Transirico
Faculty Erasmus Coordinator
Prof. Roberto Tagliaferri
Department of Matematica ed Informatica Tel. +39 089 96 33 57 Fax +39 089 96 33 03 e.mail:

Degree Courses:
  1. Biological Science (Scienze biologiche)
  2. Chemistry (Chimica)
  3. Physics (Fisica)
  4. Computer Science (Informatica)
  5. Environmental Monitoring and Assessement  (Valutazione e controllo ambientale)
  6. Mathematics (Matematica)
Higher degree courses
  1. Physics (Fisica)
  2. Computer Science (Informatica)
  3. Mathematics (Matematica)
  4. Chemistry (Chimica)
  5. Environmental Sciences (Scienze ambientali)

Faculty of Medicine

Web site (Italian):
Web site (English):

The Faculty of Medicine has been set up in the academic year 2006/2007. A Scientific Board whose president is the Rector works on the starting up and on the development of the didactic and research activities.
For information:
Faculty of Medicine
Dr. Andrea Siniscalco
Tel. +39 089. 96 92 87
Fax +39 089. 96 96 42

Degree course in one cicle:
  1. Medicine and Surgery (Medicina e chirurgia)

Faculty of Pharmacy

Web site (Italian):
Web site (English):

The faculty of pharmacy offers students the possibility of studying all aspects of modern pharmacological, biological and medical science. All courses include both theoretical knowledge as well as practical laboratory exercises.

Prof. Raffaele Riccio
Faculty Erasmus Coordinators
Prof. Carlo Crescenzi,
Department of Scienze Farmaceutiche Tel.: +39 089 969746
Fax: +39 089 962804
Prof.ssa Antonella Leone
Department of Scienze Farmaceutiche Tel. +39 089. 96 97 57
Fax +39 089.96 96 02

Degree Courses:

  1. Herbal Sciences (Tecniche erboristiche)

Unique degree courses

  1. Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology (Chimica e tecnologia farmaceutica)
  2. Pharmacy (Farmacia)

Faculty of Political Science

Web site (Italian):
Web site (English):

The Faculty aims at educating students in acquiring specific skills in international relations, as well as in the analysis and management of public policies through an interdisciplinary approach concerning legal, economic, historico-political and linguistic studies.
The professional profile of graduates is suitable for work activities within international institutions and organisations, public administration, public and private companies, communication and non-profit sectors.

Prof. Luigi Rossi
Faculty Erasmus Coordinator
Prof. Paola AttolinoDipartimento di Studi Umanistici
Tel.: +39 089 96 92 25 - Fax +39 089 96 31 51 e.mail:

Degree Courses:

  1. Political and International Relations Science (Scienze politiche e delle relazioni internazionali)
  2. Administration and Organisation (Scienze dell'amministrazione e dell'organizzazione)
Higher degree courses:
  1. International Relations (Scienze delle relazioni internazionali) 
  2. Political Sciences (Scienze politiche) 
  3. Government and Administration Sciences (Scienze del governo e dell'amministrazione)

Course organization

The University of Salerno is made up of then ten Faculties: Economics and Business, Pharmacy, Law, Engineering, Arts and Philosophy, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Medicine, Education, Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences , Political science.
The faculties are organised into different subject areas, each offering a number of degree courses. The different departments of the University have the role of promoting and developing research. The departments are also where lecturers are based and where they meet students. Courses are held on a semester basis, in the first or second semester, from October to December and from March to June. The classrooms are equipped with modern multimedia systems; a number of laboratories are also available for practical work. Erasmus students, whatever their chosen areas of study, may attend any course offered by the University of Salerno and sit the relative exams, which are marked under the ECTS scheme, in which students are given credits for exams taken.
Courses are held in two terms, from October to December and from March to June. Classrooms provide a highly technologi- cal system and many laboratories.
At the end of every course an oral test is organised in order to assess students' competences. Credits are attributed to the stu- dents after the overtaking of the exam and are independent from the grade. The ECTS is also used to evaluate activities that do not require an assessment ( internships, stages, etc.).
Exam sessions are usually held in January, February and March for the 1st semester and in June, July and September for the 2nd semester. The results of the exams passed by Erasmus students is represented by a mark based on the national system (in Italy marks are out of 30, with 18 as the pass mark).
Dates of courses and exams may be different from each faculty.


  • Department of Public Law and Theory and History of the Institutions
    Head - Prof. Luigi Kalb
    Web site (Italian): site (English):
  • Department of Individual Rigths and Comparation
    Head - Prof. Elvira Autorino
    Web site (Italian): site (English): 
  • Department of Chemistry and Biology
    Head - Claudio Pellecchia
    Web site (Italian): site (English): 
  • Department of Physics
    Head - Prof. Mario Fusco Girard
    Web site (Italian): site (English): 
  • Department of Computer Science
    Head - Prof. Alberto Negro
    Web site (Italian): site (English): 
  • Department of Civil Engineering
    Head - Prof. Luigi Ascione
    Web site (Italian): site (English): 
  • Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
    Head - Prof. Mario Vento
    Web site (Italian): http://www.dieii.unisa.itWeb site (English): 
  • Department of Industrial Engineering
    Head - Prof. Stefano Riemma
    Web site (Italian): site (English):  
  • Department of Mathematics
    Head - Prof. Antonio Di Nola
    Web site (Italian): site (English): 
  • Department of Cultural Heritage Sciences
    Head - Prof. Mauro Menichetti
    Web site (Italian): site (English): 
  • Department of Economics and Statistics
    Head - Prof. Cira Perna
    Web site (Italian): site (English): 
  • Department of BioMedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
    Head - Prof. Aldo Pinto
    Web site (Italian): site (English): 
  • Department of Political, Social and Media Sciences
    Head - Prof. Annibale Elia
    Web site (Italian): site (English): 
  • Department of Humanities, Philosophy and Education
    Head - Prof. Natale Ammaturo
    Web site (Italian): site (English): 
  • Department of Business Studies and Research
    Head - Prof. Aurelio Tommasetti
    Web site (Italian): site (English): 
  • Department of International Studies for Law and Market Ethic
    Head - Prof. Giovanni Capo
    Web site (Italian): site (English): 
  • Department of the Humanities (Philology, Literature, Languages, History)
    Head - Prof. Sebastiano Martelli
    Web site (Italian): site (English):


"Edoardo R. Caianello" Library

library holds around 450.000 books and 5.000 journals, of which 3.000 are regularly subscribed to. The books are arranged in an open-stack system, giving readers free access to the collections and to the 18 reading rooms (divided by subject-area), in which students may either work alone or discuss in groups. The integrated catalogue, fully computerized using Aleph software, includes over 310,000 bibliographical items: it may be consulted online or at the self-service desks in the Catalogue room. Recently a new link has been set up (by clicking biblioteche on the university web site), which gives access to other resources, document delivery services and information about aids to bibliographical research both national andinternational (opac, metaopac, online collections, etc.). A multimedial room with twelve workstations is open to the public, Monday to Friday, 9 am to 1 pm.
Science Library
The library (situated at the Baronissi campus) holds books dealing with the Sciences. It holds 40.000 books and 370 current periodicals. This library also offers free online consultation of books and journals, both Italian and foreign, useful to students studying in this area. The library has two reading rooms.
Opening hours
Consultation rooms:
Monday-Friday 8.30/19.00
Monday-Friday 9.00/12.30; 14.30/16.50
Journal consultation rooms:
Monday-Thursday 8.30/17.20;
Friday 8.30/13.30
Returning and certificates:
Monday-Friday 8.30/17.20
Centre of European documentation and online services:
Monday-Thursday 9.00/12.30; 15.00/17.20
Friday 9.00/12.30
Monday-Friday ore 9.00/17.00

Language Centre

The language centre organises courses and practice sessions for the teaching of foreign languages in its multimedia and audiovisual rooms, either with a teacher or on a self-access basis.
Computer rooms are available to international students here.
The language centre is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm.

Computers and Internet

All international students have free access to internet through the Campus WLAN.
Computer rooms are situated in many laboratories and in the Language Centre.


The theatre can seat 300 and it is fitted with the most up-to-date theatrical and acoustic equipment.
Foreign students may also take part free of charge in the Drama School.
This takes place from October through March, twice a week from 2 pm to 6 pm.
"Auditions" for admission to the school will be held on October 15.


The university has a sports centre, run by the C.U.S. (Centro Universitario Sportivo) enabling students to exercise on campus.
The Fisciano campus offers:
  • a covered swimming pool
  • two five-a-side astroturf football grounds
  • a hard tennis court
  • an astroturf ground for different sports complete with changing-rooms
  • a cycling and running track
The Baronissi campus (5 km from Fisciano) offers:
  • two "Pilotis" gyms for such activities as Aerobics, Step aerobics, Body
building, Table tennis, etc.
  • a sports hall with a 1200 square metre surface for Aerobics, Step aerobics,
Spinning, Basket ball, Volley ball
  • an open air basket ball ground
A fee of € 11 is charged to join the sports centre and a health certificate is required, as well as two passport-size photos.
In Salerno there are also various public and private sports centres, some of which have agreements with the CUS as to prices. These offer activities such as athletics, football, volley ball, basket ball, swimming, roller skating, fencing, archery....

Photo of University

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