Stuttgart University
The University of Stuttgart is a university located in Stuttgart, Germany. It was founded in 1829 and is organized in 10 faculties.It is one of the top nine leading technical universities in Germany (TU9) with highly ranked programs in civil, mechanical, industrial and electrical engineering.The University of Stuttgart is especially known for its excellent reputation in the fields of advanced automotive engineering, efficient industrial and automatical manufacturing, process engineering, aerospace technology and activity based costing. The academic tradition of the University of Stuttgart goes back to its probably most famous graduate student Gottlieb Daimler - the Inventor of the Automobile.The University of Stuttgart, as well as Technical University of Munich, Technical University of Darmstadt and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, represents one of the four members of the South German Axis of Advanced Engineering and Management. These four universities, in combination with RWTH Aachen are the top five universities of the before mentioned TU9.
Institution Info
The Universität Stuttgart is situated in the middle of a highly dynamic economic region with a worldwide reputation for excellency in the fields of mobile and information technology, production, process engineering as well as in life sciences. The Universität Stuttgart was founded in 1829, at the beginning of the industrial age in Europe, and will celebrate its 175 th anniversary in 2004The cooperation between technical, physical and human sciences has always been an advantage of the Universität Stuttgart. Today the university is a modern, achievement-orientated institution with a comprehensive range of subjects and a focus on technical and physical disciplines. The maxim is not only "job-qualification", but "technology, knowledge and education for mankind", as the motto of the Universität Stuttgart says.Today the University of Stuttgart is divided up into ten faculties and is an educational institution in high demand worldwide with 56 undergraduate programmes and 20 postgraduate programmes. The University meets the requirements of the working world with the internationalisation of its broad range of courses on offer, numerous on-line offers in teaching and further education and its intensive support for start-up companies.History
From 1770 to 1794, the Karlsschule was the first university in Stuttgart. Located in Stuttgart-Hohenheim, it has since 1818 been the University of Hohenheim and is not related to the University of Stuttgart, except for some joint activities.What is now the University of Stuttgart was founded in 1829, and celebrated its 175th anniversary in 2004. Because of the increasing importance of the technical sciences and instruction in these fields, from 1876 the university was known as the Technical College. In 1900 it was awarded the right to grant doctoral degrees in the technical disciplines. The development of the courses of study at the Technical College of Stuttgart led to its renaming in 1967 to the present-day "Universität Stuttgart".
Since the end of the 1950s, a part of the university has been located in the suburb of Stuttgart-Vaihingen. Most technical subjects (computer science, engineering, etc.) are located in Vaihingen, while social sciences, architecture, and similar topics are still located in the city center campus.
Auditorium V38.01
Student Residences in Vaihingen
Keplerstraße 11 ("K1", right) and 17 ("K2", left) in the city center
Cafeteria in Vaihingen
The new "Raumfahrtzentrum Baden-Württemberg" in Vaihingen
The university is divided into 10 faculties:- Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning
- Faculty of Civil- and Environmental Engineering
- Faculty of Chemistry
- Faculty of Geo- and Biosciences
- Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
- Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and Geodesy
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
- Faculty of Humanities
- Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences
Faculties & Institutes
Institutes of Faculty 1: Architecture and Urban Planning | |
Institutes of Faculty 2: Civil- and Environmental Engineering | |
Institutes of Faculty 3: Chemistry | |
Institutes of Faculty 4: Energy Technology, Process Engineering and Biological Engineering | |
Institutes of Faculty 5: Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology | |
Institutes of Faculty 6: Aerospace Engineering and Geodesy | |
Institutes of Faculty 7: Engineering Design, Production Engineering and Automotive Engineering | |
Institutes of Faculty 8: Mathematics and Physics | |
Institutes of Faculty 9: Humanities | |
Institutes of Faculty 10: Management, Economics and Social Sciences |
Faculty 1: Architecture and Urban Planning
- Institute of Architectural History (ifag)
- Building Construction and Design, Chair 1 (IBK1)
- Building Technology, Construction and Design, Chair 2 (IBK2)
- Institute for Construction Economics (BauÖk)
- Institute of Building Technology and Design (IBBTE)
- Institute for Computational Design (ICD)
- Institute of Design and Presentation (IDG)
- Institute for Design and Construction (IEK)
- Institute for the Foundations of Planning (IGP)
- Institute of Theory of Architecture and Design (IGMA)
- Institute of Landscape Planning and Ecology (ILPÖ)
- Institute of Public Building and Design (IÖB)
- Institute of Conception of Space and Principles of Design (IRGE)
- Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE)
- Institute Housing and Design (IWE)
- Urban Design Institute (SI)
Faculty 2: Civil- and Environmental Engineering
- Institute of Applied Mechanics (Civil Engineering) (MIB)
- Institute of Applied Mechanics, Chair I
- Institute of Applied Mechanics (civil engineering), Chair II
- Institute of Construction Management (IBL)
- Department of Building Physics (LBP)
- Institute of Construction Materials (IWB)
- Institute of Geotechnical Engineering (IGS)
- Institute for Geophysics (Geophys)
- Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems (IWS)
- * Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management
- * Department of Hydromechanics and Modeling of Hydrosystem
- * Department of Hydrology and Geohydrology
- Institute of Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design (ILEK)
- Institute of Railway and Transportation Engineering (IEV)
- Institute of Regional Development Planning (IREUS)
- Institute of Road and Transportation Science (ISV)
- * Chair for Road Design and Construction
- * Department for Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering
- Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Solid Waste Management (ISWA)
- * Chair of Sanitary Engineering and Water Recycling
- * Chair of Hydrochemistry and Hydrobiology
- Institute of Structural Design (KE)
- Institute of Structural Mechanics (IBB)
- Real Estate Engineering and Management (IUI)
Faculty 3: Chemistry
- Institute of Biochemistry (IBC)
- Institute of Inorganic Chemistry (IAC)
- Institute of Material Science (IMW)
- Institute of Mineralogy and Crystal Chemistry (IMi)
- Institute of Organic Chemistry (IOC)
- Institute of Physical Chemistry (IPC)
- Institute of Polymer Chemistry (IPOC)
- Institute of Technical Biochemistry (ITB)
- Institute of Technical Chemistry (ITC)
- Institute of Theoretical Chemistry (ITheoC)
Faculty 4: Energy Technology, Process Engineering and Biological Engineering
- Department of Biomedical Engineering (BMT)
- Institute of Biology (BI)
- Institute for Biochemical Engineering (IBVT)
- Institute of Chemical Process Engineering (ICVT)
- Institute of Combustion and Power Plant Technology (IFK)
- Institute of Energy Economics and the Rational Use of Energy (IER)
- Institute for Building Energetics (IGE)
- Institute of High Performance Computing (IHR)
- Institute of Geography (IG) [de] [Institute has been closed at 31.10.2010. The link refers to the old pages]
- Institute of Industrial Genetics (IIG)
- Institute for Interfacial Engineering (IGVT)
- Institute of Nuclear Technology and Energy Systems (IKE)
- Institute of Polymer Technology (IKT)
- Institute for Materials Testing, Materials Science and Strength of Materials (IMWF)
- Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering (IMVT)
- Institute of Microbiology (IMB)
- Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery (IHS)
- Institute for Combustion Technology (ITV)
- Institute of Thermal Turbomachinery and Machinery Laboratory (ITSM)
- Institute of Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering (ITW)
- Institute of Cell Biology and Immunology (IZI)
Faculty 5: Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
- Institute of Architecture of Application Systems (IAAS)
- Institute of Automation and Software Engineering (IAS)
- Institute of Communication Networks and Computer Engineering (IKR)
- Institute of Computer-aided Product Development Systems (IRIS)
- Institute of Electrical and Optical Communication Engineering (INT)
- Institute of Electrical Energy Conversion (IEW)
- Institut für Formale Methoden der Informatik (FMI)
- Division of Algorithmik
- Software Reliability and Security Group
- Division of Theoretical Computer Science
- Institute for Large Area Microelectronics (IGM)
- Institute for Semiconductor Engineering (IHT)
- Institute of Information Technology Services (IITS) [Institute has been closed at 30.09.2011. The link refers to the old pages]
- Institute of Nano and Microelectronic Systems (INES)
- Institute for Natural Language Processing (IMS)
- Chair of Experimental Phonetics
- Chair of Foundations of Computational Linguistics
- Chair of Statistical Natural Language Processing
- Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems (IPVS)
- Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems Department
- Image Understanding Department
- Parallel Systems Department
- Simulation of Large Systems Department
- Distributed Systems Department Infrastructure Department
- Institute for Photovoltaik (IPV)
- Institute of Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ILEA)
- Institute of Power Transmission and High Voltage Technology (IEH)
- Institute of Radio Frequency Technology (IHF)
- Insitute of Signal Processing and System Theory (ISS)
- Institute of Software Technology (ISTE)
- Programming Languages and Compiler Group
- Software Engineering Group
- Software Engineering II Group
- the former Institute for System Theory and Display Technology (ISB) has been seperated in IGM and ISS
- Institute of Computer Architecture and Computer Engineering (ITI)
- Department of Computer Architecture
- Department of Embedded Systems Engineering
- Institute of Telecommunications (INÜ)
- Institute of Theory of Electrical Engineering (ITE)
- Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems (VIS)
- Department Graphical-Interactive-Systems
- Department Intelligent Systems
- Department Human-Computer-Interaction
- Department Visualization
- Department Visual Computing
Faculty 6: Aerospace Engineering and Geodesy
- Institute of Aerodynamics and Gasdynamics (IAG)
- Institute of Aerospace Thermodynamics (ITLR)
- Institute of Engineering Geodesy (IIGS)
- Institute of Flight Mechanics and Control (IFR)
- Institute of Aircraft Design (IFB)
- Institute of Geodesy (GIS)
- Institute of Aeronautical Propulsion Systems (ILA)
- Institute of Aircraft Systems (ILS)
- Institute of Navigation (INS)
- Institute for Photogrammetry (IFP)
- Institute of Planetology (IP)
- Institute of Space Systems (IRS)
- Institute of Statics and Dynamics of Aerospace Structures (ISD)
- Institute of Combustion Technology for Aerospace Engineering (IVLR)
Faculty 7: Engineering Design, Production Engineering and Automotive Engineering
- Institute A of Mechanics (IAM)
- Institute B of Mechanics (ITM)
- Institute for Control Technology of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Units (ISW)
- Institute for Diversity Studies in Engineering (IDS)
- Institute of Human Factors and Technology Management (IAT)
- Institute of Industrial Manufacturing and Management (IFF)
- Institute of Design and Production in Precision Engineering (IKFF)
- Institute of Engineering Design and Industrial Design (IKTD)
- Institute for Manufacturing Technologies of Ceramic Components and Composites (IFKB)
- Institute of Machine Components (IMA)
- Institute of Mechanical Handling and Logistics (IFT)
- Institute for Metal Forming Technology (IFU)
- Institute of Laser Technologies (IFSW)
- Institute for System Dynamics (ISYS)
- Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control (IST)
- Institute of Applied Optics (ITO)
- Institute for Internal Combustion Engines and Automotive Engineering (IVK)
- Institute for Machine Tools (IFW)
- Institute of Time Measurement Engineering, Precision- and Micro-Engineering (IZFM)
Faculty 8: Mathematics and Physics
- Institute of Algebra and Number Theory (IAZ)
- Institute of Analysis, Dynamics and Modeling (IADM)
- Institute of Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation (IANS)
- Institute for Computational Physics (ICP)
- Institute of Geometry and Topology (IGT) [de]
- Institute of Semiconductor Optics and Functional Interfaces (IHFG)
- Institute of Mathematical Methods in Engineering, Numerical Analysis and Geometric Modeling (IMNG)
- Institute of Physics (PI)
- Institute of Physics (1)
- Institute of Physics (2)
- Institute of Physics (3)
- Institute of Physics (4)
- Institute of Physics (5)
- Institute of Plasma Research (IPF)
- Institute of Stochastics and Applications (ISA)
- Institute of Theoretical Physics (ITP)
- Institute of Theoretical Physics I
- Institute of Theoretical Physics II
- Institute of Theoretical Physics III
- Institute for Theoretical and Applied Physics (ITAP)
Faculty 9: Humanities
- Institute of History (HI)
- Institute of Art History (IKG)
- Institute of Linguistics (LING)
- Fachrichtung Anglistik
- Fachrichtung Germanistik
- Fachrichtung Romanistik
- Institute of Literature (ILW)
- Abteilung für Amerikanistik und Neuere Englische Literatur I
- Abteilung für Amerikanistik und Neuere Englische Literatur II
- Abteilung für Germanistische Mediävistik
- Abteilung für Neuere Deutsche Literatur I
- Abteilung für Neuere Deutsche Literatur II
- Abteilung für Neuere Englische Literatur
- Abteilung Romanische Literaturen I - Galloromanistik
- Abteilung Romanische Literaturen II - Italianistik
- Institute of Philosophy (PHILO)
Faculty 10: Management, Economics and Social Sciences
- Institute of Business Administration (BWI)
- Department I - Research & Development and Innovation Management
- Department II - Organizational Design and Behaviour
- Department III - Corporate Finance
- Department IV - Service Management & Business Logistics
- Department V - Management Accounting and Control
- Department VI - Industrial Goods Marketing and Supply Management
- Department VII - Information Systems I (Informations Management)
- Department VIII - Information Systems II (Business Software)
- Department IX - Internationales und strategisches Management
- Institute of Educational Science and Psychology (IEP)
- Department of Vocational Education (BWT)
- Department of Education
- Institute for Social Sciences (SOWI)
- Department of Political Science and Political Sociology (SOWI I)
- Department of Political Theory and Empirical Democracy Research (SOWI II)
- Abteilung für Internationale Beziehungen und Europäische Integration (SOWI III)
- Abteilung für Soziologie und empirische Sozialforschung (SOWI IV)
- Abteilung für Technik- und Umweltsoziologie (SOWI V)
- Department of Organizational Sociology and Innovation Studies (SOWI VI)
- Institute of Sports Science (InSpo)
- Institute of Economics and Law (IVR)
- Department of Theoretical Economics
- Department of Microeconomics and Spatial Economics
- Abteilung für Rechtswissenschaft
Graduate Schools, Research Training Groups and Doctoral Programmes
- Graduate School Advanced Condensed Matter Science
- Graduate and Research School Efficient use of Energy Stuttgart (GREES)
- International Doctoral Program Environment Water (ENWAT)
- Postgraduate School Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (GSaME)
- Postgraduate School Advanced Solid State Science (ASSS) (planned)
- Graduate School Simulation Technology (SimTech)
- Indegrated Research Training Group: Linguistik/ Computer Linguistik
- Research Training Group: Non-linearities and upscaling in porous media (NUPUS)
- Research Training Group "Aero-Thermodynamic Design of a Scramjet Propulsion System for Future Space Transportation Systems"
- PhD-Net/Bi-National Doctoral Program: "Internationalisierung von Literatur und Wissenschaft"
- German-French Research Training Group "Comparing Democratic Societies in Europe" (CODESE)
- German-French Research Training Group: "Analyse intelligenter Systeme unter Berücksichtigung von Mehrfeldkopplungen"
- International Max Planck Research School for Advanced Materials
Co-operative Doctoral Programs:
- Robert Bosch Zentrum für Leistungselektronik (Reutlingen University, University of Stuttgart, Robert Bosch GmbH)
- HYBRID (University of Stuttgart, Hochschule Esslingen / Industrial partner: Daimler AG and Robert Bosch GmbH)
- Digital Media Production [de] (University of Stuttgart, University of Tübingen, Stuttgart Media University)
Bachelor Studies
Bachelors in Business & Economics
Programmes in business and economics provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge of various business, economics, finance, management, accounting and marketing subjects.
- Accounting Accounting
- Business & Technology Business & Technology
- Business Administration Business Administration
- Econometrics Econometrics
- Economics Economics
- Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship
- Finance Finance
- Human Resource Management Human Resource Management
- Management & Organisation Management & Organisation
- Marketing Marketing
- Project Management Project Management
- Public Administration
Bachelors in Law
Law regulates almost all aspects in our life and is therefore of direct interest to all of us. If you like working with text, are able to think logical and enjoy problem solving this might be the right choice for you.
- Civil & Private Law Civil & Private Law
- Criminal Law and Criminology Criminal Law and Criminology
- European Law European Law
- International Law International Law
- Public Law
Bachelors in Engineering & Technology
Engineering is for creators with an interest in technology and development. Engineering degrees can lead to a vast number of career opportunities, with graduates in demand in almost every sector of the economy. Therefore the demand for good new engineers is high – worldwide.
- Aerospace, Aeronautical & Marine... Aerospace, Aeronautical & Marine...
- Applied Mathematics Applied Mathematics
- Bio & Biomedical Engineering Bio & Biomedical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering, Architecture &... Civil Engineering, Architecture &...
- Computer Science & IT Computer Science & IT
- Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering
- Energy Engineering Energy Engineering
- Engineering & Business Engineering & Business
- Engineering Physics Engineering Physics
- Environmental & Geo Engineering Environmental & Geo Engineering
- Industrial Design Industrial Design
- Materials Engineering Materials Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
Bachelors in Life Sciences, Medicine & Health
Studying life sciences encompasses all fields of science that involve the scientific study of living organisms like plants, animals, and human beings. No matter if you want to become a doctor, work in research or within an organisation, the desire to help others and improve things is essential.
- Biomedicine Biomedicine
- Dentistry Dentistry
- Human Medicine Human Medicine
- Nursery Nursery
- Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition and Dietetics
- Pharmacy Pharmacy
- Physiotherapy Physiotherapy
- Public Health Public Health
- Veterinary Medicine
Masters Studies
Masters in Business & Economics
Programmes in business and economics provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge of various business, economics, finance, management, accounting and marketing subjects.
- Ccounting Accounting
- Business & Technology Business & Technology
- Business Administration Business Administration
- Econometrics Econometrics
- Economics Economics
- Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship
- Finance Finance
- Human Resource Management Human Resource Management
- Management & Organisation Management & Organisation
- Marketing Marketing
- Project Management Project Management
- Public Administration Public
Masters in Law
Law regulates almost all aspects in our life and is therefore of direct interest to all of us. If you like working with text, are able to think logical and enjoy problem solving this might be the right choice for you.
- Civil & Private Law Civil & Private Law
- Criminal Law and Criminology Criminal Law and Criminology
- European Law European Law
- International Law International Law
- Public Law
Masters in Engineering & Technology
Engineering is for creators with an interest in technology and development. Engineering degrees can lead to a vast number of career opportunities, with graduates in demand in almost every sector of the economy. Therefore the demand for good new engineers is high – worldwide.
- Aerospace, Aeronautical & Marine... Aerospace, Aeronautical & Marine...
- Applied Mathematics Applied Mathematics
- Bio & Biomedical Engineering Bio & Biomedical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering, Architecture &... Civil Engineering, Architecture &...
- Computer Science & IT Computer Science & IT
- Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering
- Energy Engineering Energy Engineering
- Engineering & Business Engineering & Business
- Engineering Physics Engineering Physics
- Environmental & Geo Engineering Environmental & Geo Engineering
- Industrial Design Industrial Design
- Materials Engineering Materials Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
Masters in Life Sciences, Medicine & Health
Studying life sciences encompasses all fields of science that involve the scientific study of living organisms like plants, animals, and human beings. No matter if you want to become a doctor, work in research or within an organisation, the desire to help others and improve things is essential.
- Biomedicine Biomedicine
- Dentistry Dentistry
- Human Medicine Human Medicine
- Nursery Nursery
- Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition and Dietetics
- Pharmacy Pharmacy
- Physiotherapy Physiotherapy
- Public Health Public Health
- Veterinary Medicine
PHD Studies
PhDs in Business & Economics
Programmes in business and economics provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge of various business, economics, finance, management, accounting and marketing subjects.
- Accounting Accounting
- Business & Technology Business & Technology
- Business Administration Business Administration
- Econometrics Econometrics
- Economics Economics
- Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship
- Finance Finance
- Human Resource Management Human Resource Management
- Management & Organisation Management & Organisation
- Marketing Marketing
- Project Management Project Management
- Public Administration
PhDs in Law
Law regulates almost all aspects in our life and is therefore of direct interest to all of us. If you like working with text, are able to think logical and enjoy problem solving this might be the right choice for you.
- Civil & Private Law Civil & Private Law
- Criminal Law and Criminology Criminal Law and Criminology
- European Law European Law
- International Law International Law
- Public Law
PhDs in Engineering & Technology
Engineering is for creators with an interest in technology and development. Engineering degrees can lead to a vast number of career opportunities, with graduates in demand in almost every sector of the economy. Therefore the demand for good new engineers is high – worldwide.
- Aerospace, Aeronautical & Marine... Aerospace, Aeronautical & Marine...
- Applied Mathematics Applied Mathematics
- Bio & Biomedical Engineering Bio & Biomedical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering, Architecture &... Civil Engineering, Architecture &...
- Computer Science & IT Computer Science & IT
- Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering
- Energy Engineering Energy Engineering
- Engineering & Business Engineering & Business
- Engineering Physics Engineering Physics
- Environmental & Geo Engineering Environmental & Geo Engineering
- Industrial Design Industrial Design
- Materials Engineering Materials Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
PhDs in Life Sciences, Medicine & Health
Studying life sciences encompasses all fields of science that involve the scientific study of living organisms like plants, animals, and human beings. No matter if you want to become a doctor, work in research or within an organisation, the desire to help others and improve things is essential.
- Biomedicine Biomedicine
- Dentistry Dentistry
- Human Medicine Human Medicine
- Nursery Nursery
- Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition and Dietetics
- Pharmacy Pharmacy
- Physiotherapy Physiotherapy
- Public Health Public Health
- Veterinary Medicine
Famous students
- Gunnar Birkerts Architect
- Dr. Wieland Backes German TV host of SWR Nachtcafé
- Gustav Bauernfeind German painter, illustrator and architect of Jewish origin
- Volker Beck
- Günter Behnisch Famous German Architect
- Gottlieb Daimler Germany's most famous engineer: The Inventor of "The Automobile" and co-founder (together with Carl Benz) of Mercedes-Benz
- Dr. Siegfried Dais Member of the Board for IT of Bosch
- Dr. Volkmar Denner Member of the Board for Research and Advanced Engineering of Bosch
- Gerhard Ertl
- Max Eyth
- Gego
- Ernst Heinkel
- Rolf-Dieter Heuer
- Prof. Jürgen Hubbert a.k.a. "Mr. Mercedes" - Former Member of the Board of Daimler AG
- Wunibald Kamm
- Heinz-Hermann Koelle
- Berthold Leibinger
- Fritz Leonhardt
- Dr. h.c. Michael Macht Former CEO of Porsche AG
- Wilhelm Maybach Famous German engineer and automobile designer
- Ulf Merbold
- Frieder Nake
- Dr. Dirk Notheis CEO of Morgan Stanley Germany
- Wilfried Porth Member of the Board for HR of Daimler AG
- Karl Schlecht German Engineer - Inventor of the first automatical concrete rendering machine - Founder of Putzmeister AG
- Dr. Joachim Schmidt Senior Vice President Mercedes-Benz-Cars Sales and Marketing
- Dr. Hermann Scholl Former CEO of Bosch
- Matthias Seifert
- Horst Stormer
- Gerald Fredrick Töben
- Ulrich Walker Former CEO of Smart and CEO of Daimler North East Asia
- Dr. Jürgen Weber Former CEO of Lufthansa
- Dr. Thomas Weber Member of the Board for R&D of Daimler AG
- Dr. Martin Winterkorn CEO of Volkswagen AG
- Dr. Klaus Zehender Head of Procurement of Daimler AG
Photo of University
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